Please send Me a Link For Your Club Station or DX Group.

I Subscribe to the following Clubs and Groups:

Please visit their sites for membership Information etc.

ISWL = International Short Wave League
( Honorary Life Vice President )

COBRAS = City of Belfast Radio Amateur Society
Honorary Member )

RAFARS = Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society

RAOTA = Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association

WAB / HAB = Worked / Heard All Britain Group

NAQCC = The North American QRP CW Club

FT8DMC = The FT8 Digital Modes Club

ERC = The European ROS Club

I am an Ex Member of the following:

ARAB = Amateur Radio Association of Bahrain
( A Founder member on 1st July 1971 - very happy days! ).

BARTG = British Amateur Radio Teledata Group
( Ex membership No: 4986 )

RIG = Remote Imaging Group

CDXC = Chiltern DX Club (The UK DX Foundation)

RSGB = Radio Society of Great Britain
( Ex membership No: BRS-96106 )

UK FISTS = International Morse Preservation Society

Incorporating All other FISTS groups:

U.S. FISTS = International Morse Preservation Society

VK / ZL FISTS = International Morse Preservation Society

East Asia FISTS = International Morse Preservation Society

click on me for my email details

If you would like your Radio Club or DX Group details added to this page,
or if a Link is no longer working, Please send me an E-mail with the Details.
Thank You!.

Club Stations and DX Groups around the World:

ANARS = Australian Naval Amateur Radio Society

DDXA - W5RU = Delta DX Association - New Orleans

GDXF = German DX Foundation

IPARC = International Police Association Radio Club (U.S. Section)
Many awards for both Operators and SWL's.
Plus links to International IPARC sites.


LLDXT = Low Land DXpedition team

LYNX = Lynx DX Group

NCDXF = Northern California DX Foundation

NJDXA = North Jersey DX Association

PI4CC - CC = PI4CC Contest Club

PARC - W4ZBB = Playground Amateur Radio club - Florida

RARF - YO3KAA = Romanian Amateur Radio federation
( This site has the YO Callbook on-line ).

RNARS = Royal Navy Amateur Radio Society

RSARS = Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society

SCDXC = Southern California DX Club

SDRS - G3SDS & G8SDS = South Dorset Radio Society, England

SFVRC - W6SD = San Fernando Valley Radio Club - California

SOMALIA = Amateur Radio Pages

WARC - VK2ATZ = Westlakes Amateur Radio Club

WARC - G0WRS and G6WRC = Warrington Amateur Radio Club

YSRC - Young Stars Radio Club
Short Wave Listeners Club
located in Hyderabad, India