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English Amateur Radio Receiving Station


Operator: Peter G. Rayer

Ex – ARS MP4BIM Bahrain Island 1970-71.

I am an Honorary Life Vice President of the International Short-Wave League
and I Sponsor & Web Master their HQ Pages at: www.iswl.org.uk

Plus: a WAB'er, RAFARS 855, RAOTA 1080 and NAQCC 2649.

G-13038 is a "Digital Monitoring Station"

With membership of the following Organizations:

European Phase Shift Keying Club: "EPC #0190L"

Digital Modes Club: "DMC*0078SWL"

30 Meter Digital Group: "30MDG #3294"

The Croatian Digital Group: "CDG #0358"

The Belgian Digital Modes Club: "BDM 045R"

The North American QRP CW Club: "NAQCC 2649"

The FT8 Digital Mode Club: "FT8 #03817"

The European ROS Club: "ERC #06748"

I am also lapsed FISTS Member - #4822 - GSWL2
with CC Award-478
, Silver Award-244 and Platinum Award-283.

G-13038 is an Authenticated " GOLD " Member of eQSL.cc
( See my Useful Links Page for details and to check
if YOU have cards waiting for you. )


"In Europe

"British and NEVER
a Federal European"

Located in Bournemouth, Southern England.
Exact lat/long: 50'44.535 North 01'51.750 West
+ Locator:
IO.90.BR + WAB: SZ09 + EU area: EN05.




Current Solar X-rays:
& Geomagnetic Field:






From n3kl.org

Click this link for Current Satellite Pictures of our Sun





Updated every 3 hours from the NOAA Website


G.M.T. (Zulu)
Click here for world times etc.




I Hope you enjoy your time visiting my Web Pages.

I live in the Sunny Seaside resort of Bournemouth,
in the County of Dorset, Southern England.

I was Born in 1950, in the small rural town of "Wootton Bassett"
in North Wiltshire. (About 70 miles north of Bournemouth).
Now known as "
Royal Wootton Bassett".

My serious interest in Short Wave Listening began in 1963. When at the
age of 13, I joined the local Air Training Corps. (1244 then 2398 Squadron).
Morse code was one of the many subjects taught and we had a Radio shack,
with an 1154/1155 ww2 Aircraft radio and a "modern" Eddystone 358.
Our Radio Instructor was the very well respected Dick Rugg G2BRR SK.
Dick was a very good friend of mine for over 40 years, until his demise
in May 2002. He is the person I hold responsible, for my current obsession
with both Radio listening and the International Short Wave League.

I left School in July 1965 and spent a very boring 9 months, working for
the American "Square D" Corporation , as a "Pre Apprentice" in the
Sheet Metal and Welding workshop at their U.K.'s Swindon factory. They
were a good employer, but I dreaded the thought of working in a factory,
for the rest of my working life!.

So, in 1966 I joined the Royal Air Force as an Apprentice Telegraphist.
I started my Service life in the
306th. Apprentice Entry at RAF Cosford,
in the County of Shropshire.

A Year later I was let loose operationally, with a CW speed of 22 WPM.
I served in several parts of the world. Including Singapore, Bahrain
and Leong Nok Tha in Thailand.
( With "stop overs" in several Countries, including Cyprus, Gulf States,
Gan in the Maldive Islands, Malaya and Hong Kong ).

Other less exotic places were also visited, both in the UK and around the world.

Plus a 12 Month tour of duty at RAF Muharraq in Bahrain (1970-71),
where I held the Ham Radio Callsign -
(I also operated the Club station -
MP4BBA and the JOTA Station – MP4BS).

I was a "Founder Member" of "ARAB" - The newly formed Bahrain Radio Society,
which was formed in 1971, in preparation for the Callsign Prefix change, from "MP4 to A9".

In 1968 I had the pleasure of taking part in both, the Royal Tournament at
Earls Court in London and the Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

( Helping to celebrate the RAF's 50th. Birthday. )

Following an 18 month tour of "Playing Soldiers" with " B.C.F "
at 50 TSU, the Tactical Signals Wing of 38 Group, at RAF Tangmere,
(Now TCW), I remustered to the more demanding roles of "TG4"
(later to become TG5) and stayed there until the end of my service.

Unfortunately, a permanent Spinal injury in early 1972, greatly reduced
my mobility and brought my RAF service to a halt.  I was eventually
discharged from the Royal Air Force in September 1973, as a
Disabled Veteran / Pensioner - aged 23.

A further 20 years of Local Government service, took me
up to early retirement in 1993*, at the grand old age of 43!.

(* Due to my reduced mobility and the fact,
that I had recently become an Epileptic etc. ).

In 1988 my Office Football Pools Syndicate hit the jackpot with 8 score draws.
My share was enough to purchase my current home and a lot more besides.
So that took the financial pressure off me, as my mobility decreased even more.

I was very happily married to my beloved late Wife Judy for over 45 years.
I met Judy on a "Blind date" and moved in with her that same day.
This was the best decision I ever made in my life!

I now live a very quiet and independent life, with my home and my Computer
Room / Radio Shack, as the centre of my Universe.

Since Retirement my obsession with Radio has increased even more.
I now spend over 100 hours a week in my shack. My main Listening modes
are PSK31, PSK63, PSK125, (SSB for ISWL nets), RTTY, CW, SSTV and
the low power modes such as JT9, JT65 and FT8.

I am a Honorary Life Vice President of the International Shortwave League.
( Having previously held the posts of Council member, Treasurer and President ).
The ISWL is an International Radio Club founded in 1946 and since that time,
has provided facilities enabling both Licensed Amateurs and SWL's, to enjoy
their hobby to the great advantage to themselves and fellow enthusiasts.

I participate in several SWL Contests and Awards throughout the year.
I also actively collect certificates and awards from the clubs that I belong to.

I have achieved the ISWL's Class 1 Broadcast Bands Award.
It is a novelty to hear all the commercial shortwave broadcast stations, that
fill the Non Ham part of the radio spectrum. However, I am not really interested
in the reception of broadcast Band Stations.  I mainly monitor the Ham bands,
as CW and Data transmissions are far more interesting to listen to!.


I have also tried to become interested in the various
ACARS programmes, but find the mode BORING!.

So I will stick to monitoring CW, FT8, PSK, RTTY, SSTV and other digital modes.


I studied for my UK RAE exams in 1972, but did not apply
for a G4Axx callsign, as I had no further interest in transmitting
after my Bahrain Tour finished and I returned to the UK.



My late Wife Judy totally Supported my hobby so,

Whilst in Local Government Service, I qualified as a Cost and Executive Accountant.

I am an ex Associate member of both the Institute of Cost & Executive Accountants (ICEA),
and the Faculty of Business Administrators (


In my more able bodied days, I was a Scout Leader in both England and Bahrain,
an adult instructor for a short time, with both 1244 & 2398 Sqn's. Air Training Corps,
and a member of H.M. Coastguard Auxiliary Service, at the Hengistbury Head
lookout station in Bournemouth. (My Service number was SO.133)

My other interests include listening to British Brass Bands,
(both military and civilian).

Also most "60s" and classical music, especially Bach and Mozart.

My late Wife Judy and I, collected China Wall Plates and Thimbles,
from around the world.

I also spend time supervising the many garden Gnomes
and other "little people" who have safe sanctuary in my garden.

They are given the best of care including Naval rescue
if they fall into the local pond's.



Some people do not like Gnomes!.

I cannot understand why, as they are friendly little chaps
who cause no trouble. They do not answer back, they are less trouble
than growing things in pots, or having to cut lawn's etc.

They are also very useful for throwing at any Cats
that stray into our garden.

So to all Gnome hater's Jack ( below )
has a message for you!


( Please include your Callsign or SWL Number if applicable )


Web Site designed and maintained by Peter G. Rayer ( The Webmaster ).



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